Privacy statement

Last updated on: 03.04.2023

I. Introduction

  1. Who are we?

Blulinc, with registered office at Booiebos 8a, 9031 Drongen and enterprise number BE0775.669.111 (hereafter "Blulinc", "we", "us" or "our") attaches great importance to your privacy and finds it important that your personal data are always treated with the necessary care and confidentiality.

This privacy statement (hereafter "Privacy Statement") explains why we ask for your personal data and what we do with these data. If you have any questions after reading this Privacy Statement, you can always contact us.

We clarify that this statement only applies to the personal data processed by Blulinc as data controller. This means that we determine the purpose and means for the processing of your personal data.

By 'processing of personal data' we mean any processing of data that can identify you as a natural person. You can read more about the exact data involved in this Privacy Statement. The term 'processing' is broad and covers, among other things, the collection, storage, use or distribution of that data.

For questions about this statement or about the processing of your personal data, we first refer you to your known contact person with us. You can also always reach us via the following information:

by email:

by letter: Blulinc NV, Booiebos 8a, 9031 Drongen

  1. When does this Privacy Statement apply? This Privacy Statement applies to the processing of personal data via the mobile Application of Blulinc (hereafter "the App") and to all activities associated with it or (commercial) relationships that arise from it or are maintained with it.

This Privacy Statement should be read together with the other terms and conditions that apply to the App. The data subjects (hereafter "you", "your") to whom this Privacy Statement is addressed are the users of the App.

Some data is processed by using cookies or similar technologies. For more explanation about this, we refer you to our Cookie Statement.

II. Use of personal data A. When do we collect your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data as data controller when you use the App and use the associated services.

When you use the App for the first time, the App asks for certain personal data from your mobile device to use (such as the location of the device, access to the camera of the device, etc.). You can change these settings at any time in the settings of your mobile device. Keep in mind that changing this setting can affect the functioning of the App. B. What personal data can we collect?

Below we explain which data we can process from you, depending on your relationship with Blulinc. This does not mean that we have all the data mentioned below about you in all cases. This will always depend on the specific situation and your preferences.

Creating a Blulinc account

When you want to use our Services and create a Blulinc account for that purpose on the App, we may process the following data from you:

Your contact details

for example your name, phone number, email address, address, ...

Financial data

for example financial identification data such as a bank account number, ...

Your personal characteristics

for example your age, ...

The characteristics of the car

for example car type, photos of the car, license plate, ...

Your identification data

for example a copy of your identity card (only to verify your identity if you wish to exercise one of your rights as a data subject based on the General Data Protection Regulation or in case of the preparation of a purchase agreement).


III. Rights of the data subject You have various rights with respect to the personal data we collect about you. If you wish to exercise any of the following rights, please contact us by email or by post at the contact details provided above.

You have the following rights: Right of access and copy: if you wish, you can access your personal data and obtain a copy of it; Right of rectification or adaptation: if you believe that we have incorrect data about you, you can let us know and we will adjust it for you; you can also make changes yourself in the Customer Portal; Right to erasure (right to be forgotten): if you wish, you can ask us to delete your personal data. However, we may still need to process that data for other purposes; Right to restriction of processing: if you think that we are processing your personal data unlawfully or inaccurately, you can also restrict this processing; Right to object: you can also object to the processing of your personal data. If it concerns marketing, we will stop the processing as soon as possible; Right to data portability: if you wish to transfer your personal data, please contact us.

The exercise of the above rights is subject to certain exceptions to protect the public interest, our interests, and the interests of other individuals. When you submit a request to exercise your rights, we will first verify your identity by requesting a copy of your identity card. We do this to prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands.

The exercise of your rights is generally free of charge. If your request is clearly unfounded or excessive, we may charge you a reasonable fee in light of the administrative costs we incur. In that case, however, we may also choose not to comply with your request. You will always be informed of the reasons for this. In any case, we will inform you of the outcome of your request within a period of four weeks (for simple requests) or three months (for complex or multiple requests) at the latest.

IV. Complaint options for the data subject Despite our efforts to protect your privacy and comply with privacy legislation, you may disagree with the way we collect, use, and/or process your personal data.

Of course, you can always contact us in that case, but you also have other complaint options:

You can file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which you can contact using the details below:

By mail: Data Protection Authority Printing Press Street 35 1000 Brussels Belgium

By email: By phone: +32 (0)2 274 48 00 By fax: +32 (0)2 274 48 35

If you suffer damage, you can also file a claim for compensation with the competent court.

For more information on complaints and remedies, we invite you to consult the website of the Data Protection Authority:

V. What about links to other websites and social media? The App may contain references (e.g. via hyperlinks) to other websites offered by other companies or social media. Blulinc is not responsible for the processing of personal data through those external websites. Nor does this Privacy Policy apply to those websites.

If you share content via social media, your personal data will be visible to visitors of those social media. Blulinc is not responsible for the processing of personal data through those social media. Nor does this Privacy Policy apply to those social media.

VI. Changes We may unilaterally decide to make changes to this Privacy Policy. In that case, the new version will take effect immediately. The most recent version is always available on our App. In case